Plan for the second half of 2012
1. Goal of 2012: Be the Hogeon (愼獨)
I want to make 2012 marked as “Turning Point” in my life. To do so, I promised myself to spend this year rebuilding myself to the person who I really want to be.
By behaving in Hogeon’s way, I’m going be the Hogeon.
In 2012, there are four major aims following Red Box Project – Season 4. Those will be self-examination about my passion and will and so on. Whether or not I succeed all aims of RBPS4, the results will be meaningful for introspection. From this challenge, I expect I can understand myself and figure out what I really want, what I love and what kind of person I want to be.
2. Lists: Do, Want and Wish
A. Do List (according to subsection)
- Reading Books (Everyday, more than 2 hours)
RBPS4 (Red Box Project – Season 4)
- TOEFL 110: Study (August 1 ~ September 14) and Exam (September 16)
Attending English Conversation Study (Every Tue. & Thu. on PM 5~7)
Participating in HY Master Discussion (Every Wed. on PM 6:30~8:30 & Sat. on PM 4:00~6:00)
- Engineer General Machinery Certification: Study (August 1 ~ September 14) and Exam (September 15)
- Build Six Packs: Make bottom two packs visible (Everyday 2 hours, July 1 ~ August 31)
- GPA 4.0: Make out a schedule (August 8 ~ 12) and Register (August 13 ~ 19)
ISNDE (Intelligent sensing & Non-destructive Evaluation Laboratory)
- Research: Analysis R&D Trend over 5 years, Find Vision and Decide Future Plan (August 1 ~ September 30)
- Experiment: Duty Ratio (July 16 ~ August 27)
- Professor's Order: Simulation Animation (July 23 ~ August 6) and Design Diagram (July 23 ~ August 7)
- Translation ISNDE Homepage into English (August 8~10)
- KSNT: Ultrasonic Technology Workshop (August 30 ~ 31)
- Get-together: Yangpyeong (August 10)
- D-100 Project (Every Wednesday and Sunday, PM 9:00 ~ 11:00)
MENSA (Men in Admission Officer System Discussion)
- Book Discussion (Every Wednesday Noon, 2 hours)
- Create Homepage (HYMENSA.Com, September 17~23)
MB (Mad Boys)
- Attend 20th Anniversary (August 24~25)
SHR (Shim Hyeong-rae)
- Decide on bylaws => Create Homepage => Open a bank account for collecting membership fee
- Collect address list & Notify to all members
B. Want List (according to subsection)
- Hogoney.Com: Move to the Permanent Hosting Account and Upgrade to XE 1.5.3 (September 17~23)
- Arrange: Memos, Writing Materials and Draft Articles (August 11~12)
Hard Database and Build Backup System (August 11~12)
- Culture & Art: List Read Books, Reading Books and Books to read
Musical - Man of La Mancha, Chicago
Movie - The Dark Knight Rises
- Study: Coffee
- Review: SERIZine, LG Business Insight, YBI's Econote, Economist, NY Times, CNN
- Summer Meeting ([Pre] August 14)
- Renewal Homepage (
C. Wish List (according to subsection)
- Arrange: My Stuff, Books and Records
- Study: Economics, Accounting, Statistics and Case Study
- Play: 고두심의 댄스레슨
- Concert: 2012 Maroon 5 LIVE IN SEOUL (September 15 - PM 4:00)
- Music: Learn to play a guitar
3. Rules
A. Priority
Ø Hogeony > RBPS4 > ISNDE
B. Daily Log
Ø Every morning, check daily work in 30 minutes
Ø Whenever something is finished, tweet to myself => Record the work done and time
Ø Every midnight, check works done in the day and work should be done tomorrow in 30 minutes
C. Report & Feedback
Ø Every Sunday afternoon, in the week, report what I’ve done and organize what I’ve researched or experimented