FX RoboTree (Global RobotCommunity)
Robot + Tree
= Growing Robot's Dream Well!!!
# Visior Constitution - 3 Group
Root - Robot Expert, Professor, Scientist, Engineer
Stem - Robot Mania, Student, Researcher
Leaf - People concerned with Robot
# Category Composition
1. Story - History, Education, and so on...
2. Culture - Event, Competition, Exibition, and so on...
3. Research - Organization,Newest Research Result, and so on...
4. Company - ASIMO, HUBO, and so on...
5. Product - Industrial, Humonoid, Toy, and so on...
6. Autopsy - Software, Hardware, and so on...
7. DIY - Boasting Mania's Robot, Share Making Tip, and so on....
# Completed Matter
- Buy Domain : www.fxrobotree.com
- Get down to making Web Site : reexamine category, compose fundamental interface
# Preparing Matter
- Design : RoboTree.com LOGO, Web Site