문서 (166)

  • June 1, 2012 - Fighting in Syria; Michael Bloomberg Wants to Ban Large Sodas
    Fighting in Syria; Michael Bloomberg Wants to Ban Large Sodas Aired June 1, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re the Carr (ph) Middle School Idea (ph) Students -- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- from ...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 13:19 | 조회 수 38639
  • Ending lawmakers perks
    Ending lawmakers’ perks @perk: special benefit Self-reform plans must not be just lip service Political parties are nothing if they don’t compete with one another in almost everything. Yet voters are ...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 13:15 | 조회 수 18344
  • Diabetes Linked to Memory Problems in Older Adults
    Diabetes Linked to Memory Problems in Older Adults By ANAHAD O'CONNOR JUNE 19, 2012, 12:16 PM50 Comments A new study adds to growing evidence that the complications of diabetes may extend to the brain,...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 13:14 | 조회 수 21185
  • June 4, 2012 - Syrian President Speaks about Violence; Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison
    Syrian President Speaks about Violence; Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison Aired June 4, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET GROUP: This is Mr. Bechsel`s (ph) study hall (inaudible) class (inaudible). Welcome to CNN S...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 12:15 | 조회 수 29481
  • The coming conflict
    The coming conflict China and the United States seem to be heading toward a course of conflict. These two mega-powers of the world have now become global rivals. Their relations are tense; their intere...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 12:12 | 조회 수 19366
  • Fakes and status in China
    Fakes and status in China China is known for “malinvestment”. Its consumption habits are also pretty dodgy Jun 23rd 2012 | from the print edition @dodgy = dishonest, unreliable MOST shop windows proudl...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 12:12 | 조회 수 55682
  • 사람들이 넘어졌을 때, 그들을 발로 차지는 않는다는 원칙
    "빈곤층의 안정화" 어려운 주제다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 이에 대한 입장을 확실히 정리할 필요가 있다. 개인적으로 우리가 지금 누리는 삶의 풍요는 결코 우리 스스로의 능력에서 얻어진 것만은 아니다고 생각한다. "...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-25 10:48 | 조회 수 15735
  • Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen - Rainer Maria Rilke
    Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen, dann wird es werden wie ein Fest. Und lass dir jeden Tag geschehen so wie ein Kind im Weitergehen von jedem Wehen sich viele Blüte...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-22 19:18 | 조회 수 11401
  • The High Price of Loneliness
    The High Price of Loneliness (By JUDITH GRAHAM) Loneliness stings at any age. But in older people, it can have serious health consequences, raising the risks of an earlier-than-expected death and the l...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-21 09:16 | 조회 수 8933
  • NCsoft braces for massive restructuring
    NCsoft braces for massive restructuring Computer games giant NCsoft is undergoing a major operations overhaul, shaving costs and terminating a slew of money-losing projects. => NCsoft is dieting. @brac...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-21 09:15 | 조회 수 9381