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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부 수정 삭제

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Since when were you following others' criteria?


Hogeon, since when were you following others' criteria?


Today evening, I’ve found myself to consider others’ criteria about life, success and dream. This is really shameful. I have to shape my own destiny regardless of how other people see me. They are just my backgrounds. Heroes in my story, in my life, are not them. He’s me! Don’t be faltered by others’ expectations or views. You know? Frankly speaking, they are not considering me, my life and my dream seriously as much as I am. They are just watching me. If I totally following them who merely look at me as one of men, why should I have to consider their opinions significantly?


As much as they value my life lightly, I should accept their views lightly.


The one who knows me best is me not the others. Just believe myself.


Follow! Just Pursue!


What I’ve believed! What I’ve dreamed! What I’ve really wanted!


Build my own criteria in my life.


Build my own rules in my life.


Build my own targets in my life.


Don’t look at others’ pies.


Although sometimes those look more delicious, you can’t enjoy the pie which of taste you really want to if you don’t know how to make a pie you would like.


Go! Go further! Along my own way heading where I finally want to reach.


Life is not competition!


Life is fighting with myself and playing with myself.


Life is being annoying at myself and being proud of myself.


It’s only related to myself because it’s my own life.


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