문서 (79)

  • Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen - Rainer Maria Rilke
    Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen Du musst das Leben nicht verstehen, dann wird es werden wie ein Fest. Und lass dir jeden Tag geschehen so wie ein Kind im Weitergehen von jedem Wehen sich viele Blüte...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-22 19:18 | 조회 수 11401
  • The High Price of Loneliness
    The High Price of Loneliness (By JUDITH GRAHAM) Loneliness stings at any age. But in older people, it can have serious health consequences, raising the risks of an earlier-than-expected death and the l...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-21 09:16 | 조회 수 8935
  • June 8, 2012 - FBI Investigating Leak of Classified Document
    FBI Investigating Leak of Classified Document Aired June 8, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is Union Point (ph) School in Harmonelle (ph), Illinois, and you`re watching CNN Student News. C...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-21 09:12 | 조회 수 42259
  • I strongly believe that I can go over this.
    To find the reason why I have to do... live like this... But, it is ridiculous itself, because there is no one begging me for living like this or living anyhow. There is no reason for us to live. We ju...
    Hogeony | 2011-10-09 00:43 | 조회 수 4627
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery
    He said, If you want to build a ship, Don't drum up people together to collect wood and Don't assign them tasks and work, but rather Teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. Life has t...
    Hogeony | 2011-10-09 00:02 | 조회 수 8855
  • 39 Days
    39 Days I couldn't keep the study log. This is because there isn't enough time to write the every logs and results at each time. Actually, I'm not satisfied with my effort yet. The planner is really to...
    서호건 | 2010-08-17 23:14 | 조회 수 51733
  • 독서 목록 (2008년도 ~ 2009년도 8월까지) [1]
     2008년도 독서 목록 ※ 다이어리에 기록이 남은 것만 추려낸 것임. 번호 도서명 저자 읽은 날짜 평가 1 The Secret Ronda Burne 08. 3. 10   2 죄와 벌 도스토예프스키 08. 3. 10 (3/4) So So 3 Fly, Daddy fly 와...
    서호건 | 2009-10-14 08:42 | 조회 수 6648
  • Books I want to read
    [도서] 연필과 파스텔의 인물화 기법 미술신서 34 조중구 저 | 재원 | 2002년 05월 [도서] 알기쉬운 인체 데생 ART TECHNIQUE 6 미술도서연구회 편 | 상투스 | 2005년 09월 [도서] 나나 너나 할 수 있다 금나나 저 |...
    서호건 | 2007-02-25 12:10 | 조회 수 7276
  • Black Box Project Targets! [6]
    Black Box Project Targets! 서호건 전교 1등! -> 끝났다. 해내지 못 했다. 공대 합격 -> 한양대 공대합격했다. FX Company C.E.O. 서호건 행복한 가정의 가장 서호건 300억 부자 서호건 Well-Being Life를 하는 서호...
    서호건 | 2004-02-26 14:19 | 조회 수 4076
  • Black Box Project Complete Plan - Winter Vacation Version [2]
    Black Box Project Complete Plan - Winter Vacation Version ⅰ.Winter Vacation Black Box Project Complete Plan ⅱ.Period Winter Vacation Schedule ⅲ.B.B.P. Activity Rule ⅳ.B.B.P. Extra Activities Explanatio...
    서호건 | 2004-01-05 22:30 | 조회 수 3446