CNN Students News
2011.07.21 23:53

Summer Show - July 14, 2011

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That airplane means the time for the new summer edition of the CNN Student News.

Hi,everyone. I'm Thimca jonson.

And this week we're focusing on Connections. Specifically, Career Connections.

That's the name of segment we they viewed the past school year

The Goal of career connection is give you guys at look at some other different jobs around cnn.

But first, we want to look at jobs and generals. You definitely want to take notes for this. Candles macro more here is the gives you career advice cruel perspective.


That airplane means / the ->it's time for the->a new summer edition of the CNN Student News.

Hi,everyone. I'm Thimca jonson->Tomeka Jones.

And this week, we're focusing on connections; specifically, Career Connections!

That's the name of (a) segment we they viewed->debuted the->this past school year.

The goal of career connection(s) is (to) give you guys at->a look at some other->the different jobs around CNN.

But first, we want to look at jobs and->in generals. You definitely want to take notes for this! Candles macro more here is the gives you career advice cruel perspective.

Candice McLemore is here to give us some career advice from a recruiter's persepetive.

# debut 미국식 [deɪbju:] 영국식 [deɪbju:]

[NOUN] The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.





TOMEKA JONES, CNN STUDENT NEWS: That airplane means it's time for a new summer edition of CNN Student News! Hi, everyone. I'm Tomeka Jones. And this week, we're focusing on connections; specifically, Career Connections!

Career Connections: Recruiter

JONES: That's the name of a segment we debuted this past school year. The goal of Career Connections is to give you guys a look at some of the different jobs around CNN. But first, we want to look at jobs in general. You definitely want to take notes for this! Candice McLemore is here to give us some career advice from a recruiter's perspective.

Hi, Candice, thank you so much for joining us!


JONES: First question: What exactly does a recruiter do?

MCLEMORE: A recruiter basically has the role of finding qualified and talented employees for a company.

JONES: Can you share with our audience, which is a middle and high school audience, a few dos and some don'ts on how to put together a resume?

MCLEMORE: Sure. I would say in terms of dos, first of all, pick a very simple format. You don't have to get elaborate; you don't want to use a lot of different fonts or colors or fancy items on your resume. You want somebody to be able to view it very quickly and to understand what your skills and your qualifications are.

And secondly, in terms of the content, I would say really think about what are the qualities and qualifications that you have. Certainly you can list job duties that you've had at previous companies, but you also want to think outside the box in terms of accomplishments as well. Did you solve a particular problem? Did you win an award? Were you on a particular dean's list or things like that? Try to think about other accomplishments that you can encompass, and then also other involvement that you've had outside of the work world as well. So, think about volunteer organizations that you've been a part of. And then also, certainly, any technical systems or software, things like that, that you may know how to use, even if you've used it in your personal space and not professionally. If it's a skill that you have, you should include that on your resume.

JONES: OK, my last question: speaking to that middle or high school student, what tips and tricks maybe you can provide for them to get ahead of the competition?

MCLEMORE: I would say for them to get ahead of the competition, to really get involved either in their school, in organizations or on their campuses when they go off to college. One of the things that our company looks for for our interns is people who are really passionate about what we do, but have also put that in to practice in any way that they can. So, if they want to be a publicist, they're on the PR committee for their student organization, or their sorority or whatever it may be. They're not just going to classes. They're doing more and taking more time to get exposure in any way that they can, even in their extracurricular activities.

Career Connections Advice

JONES: Don't put away that pen and paper yet! A few CNN professionals also have some great advice to share. They talked about their jobs in Career Connections segments last school year. If you missed those reports, go to to check them out. In the meantime, here's what those employees had to say about how to get a jump start on your career.


SUMMER SULEIMAN, CNN VIDEO JOURNALIST: It's definitely OK not knowing exactly what you want to do and saying "this is what I want to be in ten years." The best part is the journey there allows you to experience and try different things until you find what really works for you.

MONIQUE SMITH, CNN PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: The advice that I would give is if your school has a broadcasting program, make sure you are in that program. Find out what your passion is, because whenever you find out something that you really feel strongly about and you have a good background in it, whatever you decide to do it won't feel like work. It will just feel like something that you're doing for fun because you're interested in it.

JAMES CURRY, CNN INTERNATIONAL PRODUCER: One of the best pieces of advice I was given is treat every job like you're running for political office. That doesn't mean go shake hands and kiss babies and all that kind of stuff. It just means get your name out there, let people know you're interested and pursue it, and don't stop.

STEPHANIE TODD, CNN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Being proactive, I think, in any field is the way to go, and having ideas and not being afraid to speak out and being confident in yourself. You shouldn't get discouraged by if someone gives you some sort of criticism or critique or feedback. You just have to know that you believe in yourself and you've done your best.

JOE CARTER, HLN ANCHOR/REPORTER: You have to have passion in everything you do. Doesn't matter if it's at work or at home or at school, you have to have passion. You have to come with energy and excitement. Persistence, because there is another person willing to take it from you if you don't keep pushing forward. Patience, which is it doesn't all come at the beginning. It takes time, actually, to get where you want to be. It doesn't happen overnight. And positioning, so every day you wake up you've got to think about how you can better yourself for tomorrow.

AMBER LYON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A lesson to everybody, whether you're a journalist or any other type of career, is be willing to take risks. Because if you're truly passionate about it, follow your passion and success will follow. It will pay off in the end.


Blog Report

JONES: So, are you connecting with any specific career yet? We asked you guys that question on our blog last year. Some of you may have changed your minds, and that's okay. But here's what a few of you had to say then. Caitlin said she wants to be a second grade teacher. She says it's easy for her to learn about this career. All she has to do is observe her current teachers. Coleton dreams of becoming an archeologist so he can make important discoveries. On the other hand, Tyler said he wants to be a kid a little longer and do the stuff as a kid he won't do as an adult. He said sometimes you have to slow down. Kassandra and Olivia have something in common: they both want to be veterinarians when they get older. And Gavin believes that no matter how young you are, it is never a bad idea to give some thought to your possible profession. He says in these economic times, good jobs are hard to find.

Blog Promo

JONES: Some of you might be spending your summer working. Well, whether you're interning with a company or just plain old having fun, we want you to tell us about it! There are two ways you can do it: write on our blog or send in a video. You have to at least be 13 to do that. You can do both at


JONES: We've finished the job for now, but we're already working on our next summer show. Be sure to recruit your friends to tune in next week. For CNN Student News, I'm Tomeka Jones.


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    Summer Show - July 14, 2011

    That airplane means the time for the new summer edition of the CNN Student News. Hi,everyone. I'm Thimca jonson. And this week we're focusing on Connections. Specifically, Career Connections. That's the name of segment we they viewed the past school y...
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