문서 (12)

  • Red Box Project - 5th Code: Record
    Red Box Project - 5th Code: Record # 좋은 습관 만들기 - 아침 5시 30분 일어나기 - 아침, 점심 식사 규칙적인 시간에 꼭 챙겨 먹기 (아침은 야채가 풍부한 샌드위치와 우유, 점심은 한식) - 저녁 식사는 최대한 가...
    Hogeony | 2015-07-20 23:12 | 조회 수 51195
  • 2015년 하반기 Red Box Project - Record
    벌써 밤이 깊었다. 미국을 다녀온 후로, 스스로에게 변화를 주고자 노력하고 있다. 오랜 기간 하루하루에 쫓기다 시피 살아온 탓에 무너질대로 무너졌던 삶의 리듬과 희미해져버린 삶의 목표의식과 공허함. 그것을 채...
    Hogeony | 2015-07-20 00:17 | 조회 수 2894
  • When Capitalists Cared
    When Capitalists Cared By HEDRICK SMITH Published: September 2, 2012 IN the rancorous debate over how to get the sluggish economy moving, we have forgotten the wisdom of Henry Ford. In 1914, not long a...
    Hogeony | 2012-09-04 16:49 | 조회 수 184041
  • August 23, 2012 - How Much Food Do We Throw Out?; West Nile Virus Outbreak
    How Much Food Do We Throw Out?; West Nile Virus Outbreak Aired August 23, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Some of this food can end up on your plate, but how much of it could eventually end u...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-24 16:38 | 조회 수 58600
  • Plan for the second half of 2012
    Plan for the second half of 2012 1. Goal of 2012: Be the Hogeon (愼獨) I want to make 2012 marked as “Turning Point” in my life. To do so, I promised myself to spend this year rebuilding myself to the...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-07 15:01 | 조회 수 25452
  • Korea’s weak currency strategy
    Korea’s weak currency strategy By John Burton The value of the Korean won continues to fall and is soon likely to breach the threshold of 1,200 to the U.S. dollar. Hail to the almighty weak won. @hail:...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-16 18:18 | 조회 수 6935
  • May 14, 2012 - Greek Government Troubles; Spain`s Economic Woes
    Greek Government Troubles; Spain`s Economic Woes Aired May 14, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: A lost and found story that takes place in the world`s largest desert. The details o...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-12 14:48 | 조회 수 26965
  • The High Price of Loneliness
    The High Price of Loneliness (By JUDITH GRAHAM) Loneliness stings at any age. But in older people, it can have serious health consequences, raising the risks of an earlier-than-expected death and the l...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-21 09:16 | 조회 수 8935
  • The 1st Week of November, Works I have to do.
    # Analyze the result of R.B.P.(Red Box Project - Season 2) during August ~ October -> Complement and modify the plan -> Draw up the final plan of staying out of school temporarilty # Select Role Models...
    서호건 | 2009-11-03 20:05 | 조회 수 49259
  • Master Swimming [8]
    I started learning to swim on 19th October by joining Health Club. I hadn't learned to swim ever before, so I needed to start from beginner's course. But I thought i... my motor nerve was very good, so...
    서호건 | 2009-10-28 23:36 | 조회 수 10850