1. Hogeon's English Presentation - 2012.11.12.

    의욕 가득했던 2012년ㅋㅋㅋ 추억 돋네... 5년 전의 나 그리고 지금의 나 지난 5년 간 나는 나의 꿈을 향해 몇 발자국이나 내딛었는가?
    Date2017.02.01 CategoryEnglish Views5880
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    What does ET and PT mean?

    Eastern time and Pacific time. basically broadcast stations broadcast the same thing in the US and for example it may be 4 pm in Florida and 3pm in Illinois and people need to know when the show stars in their area. Time Zones in the USA, ET stands f...
    Date2011.08.12 CategoryEnglish Views22241
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    영어공부에 활용하기 좋은 Podcast!

    야로로님의 블로그에서 발췌한 자료입니다. Bold 처리 된 부분은 제가 구독하는 Podcast 입니다. ================================================ 1. English as a Second Language Podcast http://feeds2.feedburner.com/EnglishAsASecondLanguagePodcast 2. NPR_Sci...
    Date2011.08.10 CategoryEnglish Views16069
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