문서 (24)

  • Hogeony Notes
    Evernote와 Onenote를 활용하여, 내가 보고 듣고 느끼는 것들을 모아서 Hogeony Notes로 틈틈히 정리하는 습관을 들이고 있다. 평생에 걸쳐서 이뤄져야 하는 일이니 만큼 메모에 음성인식 및 필기인식 기술을 적극 ...
    Hogeony | 2017-02-02 10:04 | 조회 수 5779
  • No sea change for East Sea
    No sea change for East Sea By Andrew Salmon Talk about news of earth-shaking international importance. In Monaco last week, the International Hydrographic Organization ― the body that sets official geo...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-24 14:44 | 조회 수 69525
  • Fish Adjusts Its Shape to Lure Hungry Females
    Fish Adjusts Its Shape to Lure Hungry Females By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Published: July 16, 2012 The male of a small freshwater fish, the swordtail characin, tempts females with an ornamental lure that looks...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-19 15:32 | 조회 수 72508
  • Small Is So Beautiful
    Small Is So Beautiful By GAIL COLLINS Published: July 11, 2012 Our subject for today is the care and feeding of small businesses. “I love you guys,” Mitt Romney told a teleconference hosted by the Nati...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-13 19:14 | 조회 수 18069
  • May 14, 2012 - Greek Government Troubles; Spain`s Economic Woes
    Greek Government Troubles; Spain`s Economic Woes Aired May 14, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: A lost and found story that takes place in the world`s largest desert. The details o...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-12 14:48 | 조회 수 26996
  • June 1, 2012 - Fighting in Syria; Michael Bloomberg Wants to Ban Large Sodas
    Fighting in Syria; Michael Bloomberg Wants to Ban Large Sodas Aired June 1, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re the Carr (ph) Middle School Idea (ph) Students -- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- from ...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 13:19 | 조회 수 38664
  • Ending lawmakers perks
    Ending lawmakers’ perks @perk: special benefit Self-reform plans must not be just lip service Political parties are nothing if they don’t compete with one another in almost everything. Yet voters are ...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 13:15 | 조회 수 18364
  • Diabetes Linked to Memory Problems in Older Adults
    Diabetes Linked to Memory Problems in Older Adults By ANAHAD O'CONNOR JUNE 19, 2012, 12:16 PM50 Comments A new study adds to growing evidence that the complications of diabetes may extend to the brain,...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 13:14 | 조회 수 21204
  • June 4, 2012 - Syrian President Speaks about Violence; Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison
    Syrian President Speaks about Violence; Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison Aired June 4, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET GROUP: This is Mr. Bechsel`s (ph) study hall (inaudible) class (inaudible). Welcome to CNN S...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 12:15 | 조회 수 29507
  • Fakes and status in China
    Fakes and status in China China is known for “malinvestment”. Its consumption habits are also pretty dodgy Jun 23rd 2012 | from the print edition @dodgy = dishonest, unreliable MOST shop windows proudl...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 12:12 | 조회 수 57063