문서 (41)

  • Prawidłowo ułożona dieta oraz systematycznie wykonywana aktywność fizyczna mogłaby pomóc zmienić Twoje dotychczasowe życie! 2022
    Systematycznie wykonywana aktywność fizyczna a także odpowiednia dieta może pomóc odmienić Twoje życie! Troszcz się o swój zdrowotny stan poprzez odmianę żywnościowych przyzwyczajeń! Latami podejście d...
    ofeku | 2023-04-15 23:52 | 조회 수 4
  • Miasto Szczecin to miejsce 2023
    Szczecin to lokalizacja, gdzie dzieje się dużo ciekawych rzeczy. Strona internetowa na bieżąco podaje najnowsze nowości z życia miasta. W ciągu ostatnich tygodni w Szczecinie odbyło się sporo istotnych...
    ybewar | 2023-04-15 14:17 | 조회 수 3
  • Summer Home - Typhoon
    ♬ Summer Home - Typhoon I promised you I'm never giving up, Never giving up, never giving up, I won't give in But now that my body's giving up, My legs are giving out my head is throwing up its hands ...
    Hogeony | 2015-04-27 08:51 | 조회 수 5997
  • August 23, 2012 - How Much Food Do We Throw Out?; West Nile Virus Outbreak
    How Much Food Do We Throw Out?; West Nile Virus Outbreak Aired August 23, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Some of this food can end up on your plate, but how much of it could eventually end u...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-24 16:38 | 조회 수 58600
  • Full-Time Work Means Better Health for Mothers
    Full-Time Work Means Better Health for Mothers By KJ DELL'ANTONIA “This is not about advice for women,” the University of Akron sociologist Adrianne M. Frech said of her latest research, which showed t...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-24 14:43 | 조회 수 24395
  • US-China rivalry over Africa
    US-China rivalry over Africa Frank Ching Africa has become a major theater in the global rivalry between China and the United States. This was evident during Hillary Clinton’s visit to the continent, d...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-24 13:26 | 조회 수 162717
  • How many fish they 'Catch' vs. How many fish they 'Cook'
    매출보다 중요한 건, 순익이다. 순익보다 중요한 건, 고객만족도다. 고객만족도보다 중요한 건, 고객의 신뢰다. 고객의 신뢰보다 중요한 건, 고객을 행복하게 하고자 하는 나의 열정이다. 내가 지금까지 보고 듣고 생...
    Hogeony | 2012-08-03 08:11 | 조회 수 32107
  • New partnership raises US stake in Afghanistan
    New partnership raises US stake in Afghanistan By Arthur I. Cyr In a surprise July 7 visit to Kabul, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that Afghanistan and the United States are now f...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-19 15:32 | 조회 수 11748
  • Mocha Java (모카 자바)
    살짝 밋밋하게 시작해서, 입안 가득 은은하게 퍼지고, 시큼쌉싸름 빼꼼히 내보였다가 이내 목 뒤로 넘어갔다. 원두를 처음 마시는 이들에게, 부담없이 권할만한 커피인 거 같다. 지나치게 달달하거나 느끼하지 않고,...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-19 12:06 | 조회 수 23984
  • May 11, 2012 - Election Results from France and Greece; Shaquille O`Neal`s Favorite Teacher
    Election Results from France and Greece; Shaquille O`Neal`s Favorite Teacher Aired May 11, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET SHAQUILLE O`NEAL, FORMER NBA PLAYER: Hi, I`m Dr. Shaquille O`Neal, and you`re watching CNN ...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-13 18:58 | 조회 수 68555