A profession is "a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science."
A professional is one who follows "an occupation as a means of livelihood or gain," or one who is "engaged in one of the learned professions."
Professionalism is exhibited by one of the "professional character, spirit or methods" or the "standing, practice, or methods of a professional as distinguished from an amateur."
When my father told me his motto “Realization of Professionalism”, it was not understandable for me at first. I thought it looked just tough and strict. Actually speaking, I couldn’t catch what is the core of professionalism at that time. But, these days I’ve tried to think about it deeply. I don’t know why I’ve become like this. The only sure thing is what I really need to enhance my life to my fullest right now.
Nowadays, so many companies and organization choose outsourcing instead of self-sufficiency. There are many reasons. One of them is that outsourcing is more efficient by saving their effort and resources to improve their technology and qualities enough to satisfy their customer requirements and so do our life. Time and money is limited, that’s why we have no choice but to spend our life smartly.
How many people I know is meaningless, only important thing is how many different fields of people I know. If we know people in the same field like us, they are likely to be competitors not companions. When we come up with a very incredible idea, it is difficult to discuss and share it with them because we are afraid of the idea being stolen by them. As our position is higher, it’ll be getting harder.
However, even though we know a lot people who are in different fields each other, if their abilities in their fields are just like amateurs, that kind of outsourcing is meaningless. I'm so sorry to say like this but actually they are not helpful for us when we are in need of information or solutions in that field, if they can advise us at the level of usual backgrounds and experiences. So, what is really important for outsourcing in our life is how many experts or professionals in different field we know. That is the core to live our life efficiently and to our fullest.
We just do what we are expert at. Professionals don’t poke their nose into other field. As they want to be respected by others, they respect other professional in other field. They think they don’t have any reasons to say something else about the affair they are not special in. So when something troubles us, we need that kind of experts and specialists who know exact backgrounds and can come up with effective solutions to save us.
So, to run our life efficiently we should try to meet and get along with professionals in various kinds of field as many as we can. To do so, we must have our own profession for other professionals to feel the need of acquaintances with us. In other words, we try to be a person who is helpful for others not at the level of an amateur but at the level of a professional.
The world needs a professional not so many amateurs.
That’s why we should be professional. And later day, I’ll write about what professionalism is in detail.