문서 (7)

  • If I Had My Life To Live Over - Nadine Stair
    If I Had My Life To Live Over - Nadine Stair I'd dare to make more mistakes next time. I'd relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously....
    Hogeony | 2012-07-24 21:20 | 조회 수 20364
  • Life after Darwin
    Life after Darwin By Didier Raoult MARSEILLE ― Many Greek philosophers perceived the world to be in perpetual motion ― a process of constant evolution. In Charles Darwin’s world, however, creationism s...
    Hogeony | 2012-07-12 14:42 | 조회 수 66830
  • June 4, 2012 - Syrian President Speaks about Violence; Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison
    Syrian President Speaks about Violence; Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison Aired June 4, 2012 - 04:00:00 ET GROUP: This is Mr. Bechsel`s (ph) study hall (inaudible) class (inaudible). Welcome to CNN S...
    Hogeony | 2012-06-26 12:15 | 조회 수 29494
  • R.B.P. 2nd Plan : Really start in University life!
    Red Box Project University Freshman 2nd Plan Mission : Really start in University life! ⅰ.B.B.P. Project Analysis and Appraisal Overall ⅱ.Plan : Aim, Rule, Priority order This Project is Reported by FX...
    서호건 | 2006-02-28 10:05 | 조회 수 3758
  • NOW is the Turning Point of my life.
    지금이... 내겐 정말 가혹하리만큼 마음을 흔들리게 하는 시기다. 쓰고 지우고, 다시 쓰고 지우고... 표현마저 절제하려는 나의 마음이... 이 오죽 가여운가? "어쩌면 연이은 삶 속의 실패"라는 표현을 썼다가도, 나...
    서호건 | 2011-05-16 21:55 | 조회 수 2161

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